Since Beyond the Door was first published in 1998, I have received many comments from people who have read the book. I have been thrilled with the very positive feedback that I have received. Amongst the most favourable comments I have received are:
“A childhood adventure story to inspire the young and make everyone else nostalgic. The children have free reign in the story which, with their tremendous sense of right, makes for an innocence that should be greatly praised for its effectiveness. The characters are simple yet highly effective and easy to identify with. The right balance between anticipation and progression in a relaxed manner, never too forced, makes for a really believable story.”
“The plot moves along at a good pace and the descriptions are vivid and conjure up the setting in my mind.”
“I found Beyond the Door to be very readable. It holds the reader’s attention, the dialogue is realistic and the setting is described well.”
“I read Beyond the Door and thought it was very good. The plot was brilliant and there is an interesting contrast in the characters. The way it was written is very similar to Enid Blyton’s books. There was plenty of detail creating a good atmosphere.”
“I like the way that details are dropped into the story, apparently casually, which form an important part of the plot later on.”
“The cliff-hangers at the end of the chapters are brilliant, and really encourage you to read on. It makes it very hard to put down!”
“Beyond the Door is a lively combination of mystery atmosphere story with a certain amount of human interest.”
“An extremely impressive piece of writing… I think that you have mixed the traditional genre of children’s adventure with a more modern approach well.”
“Wow! I really enjoyed this. An excellent book. When’s the next one coming out?” “A very exciting and readable book.”
If you have read Beyond the Door I would welcome your feedback. You can get in touch with me by using the contact form on this site.